We welcome Prof. Dr. Dagniselys Toledano (University of Havana, Cuba), as a visting professor from the University of Havana, for a research stay at the University of Graz. Prof. Toledano is a specialist in Cuban environmental and energy law. In this context, she has taught at the Universidad Bolivaria de Venezuela, Interamerica University of Puerto Rico and Vigo University in Spain. Now she teaches Cuban environmental and energy law with a focus on climate protection at the Faculty of Law in Graz.
On Tuesday, 23.5.2023, Prof. Toledano gave a lecture on the topic “Climate Change and Renewable Energy: Reality and Regulation in Cuba” in the seminar “Umwelt-, Energie-, und Klimaschutzrecht – Energierecht und Klimaschutz” under the direction of Ass. Prof. Dr. Renate Pirstner-Ebner.
Additionally, Prof. Toledano presented on the last day of the ClimLaw: Graz Annual PhD Workshop on Climate Law and Litigation, on the topic "Transitions in the South: Climate Law from a Cuban Perspective".
And just yesterday, Wednesday, 31.05.2023, Prof. Toledano on the "New Cuban Environmental Law and the Constitutional Reform 2019" providing an overview of the new Cuban environmental law and highlighting the issues related to the new Cuban constitution.
It has been both an honour and a privilege to host Prof. Toledano and we look forward to future collaberations between ClimLaw: Graz, the University of Graz and the University of Havana.